Newsletter April 2020

A Spiritual Journey of a Different Kind
Grace and peace to you as we continue this Lenten journey of self examen and reflection. Even though the church building is closed, church is not. For the Church is not a building but the people. In an effort to keep the church safe, we are encouraging you to remain at home and safe. You are invited to join us online.
The most recent reports and directions from our state officials, also endorsed by Bishop Bickerton, are that there will be no public worship through Easter. Palms are not be to be distributed either, since we do not know who they were handled by prior to reaching us. Therefore, I am planning for an at-home devotion for the week, beginning with service for Palm Sunday that will carry through Easter.
So as you can see, ministry has not stopped and has even kicked up a notch for me, so I can ensure we remain connected and cared for. I encourage you to remain in touch with your friends and family during this time of social distancing. Be assured that I am challenged in creating new ministries to keep you engaged and excited, to prove that even when we cannot meet in person, God is still with and among us.
While the building is closed, I am still working. My office hours are 10a-4p, Monday – Wednesday. You can reach me at the Parsonage (203) 354-3423 or via email, [email protected]. In the evenings, I am usually in meetings or tending to family needs. Thursday is Pastor’s Day Off. Friday hours are 11a.m. – 7 p.m.
Please see to the left the schedule and log-in information to join us for worship, bible study, and midweek prayer. Now is a good time to invite your friends to join in.
I encourage all ministry groups to keep meeting and serving Christ through your respective areas of service. In regard to Social Distancing, please meet by tele/web conferencing as well. Please contact me so that I may schedule your meeting.
Lastly, I want to remind you that God is in control. Jesus says “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
Rev. Elizabeth C. Abel
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