Rev. Elizabeth C. Abel

Rev. Abel is a native of the Bronx, NY and grew up as an active member of Butler Memorial United Methodist Church. She is an advocate for young people whose passion has always extended beyond her work hours and has motivated her to create several youth programs and events through her church and in her community; and eventually led her to go into ministry full time with the United Methodist Church.


She received her Master’s of Divinity Degree from Drew Theological Seminary in May 2016. She has a Master’s of Science in Social Work from Columbia University with a concentration in Contemporary Social Issues. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from Rutgers University.


Rev. Abel has served with the US Air Force for 12 years, in Law Enforcement and has worked as the Deputy Director of the City of Mount Vernon Youth Bureau and Director of the Comprehensive Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention program. She previously worked as a Ministerial Assistant to youth and young adults at First United Methodist Church, Mount Vernon, NY. From January 2014 to September 2016, and served as the Children’s Minister and Student Pastor at Church of the Village, NY, NY where she worked closely with pastors, parents and volunteers to develop a progressive Christian education and worship experience. Before being appointed to Cornerstone, she was Pastor of Woodycrest UMC in the Bronx, NY.


Due Rev. Abel’s passion for young people she has significant experience with youth and families and is the founder and developer of the Timothy Project: A Rites of Passage for Young Men, and Deborah’s Academy: A Rited of Passage for Young Women. Her focus on community ministry has led her to develop significant community partnership with city officials, community agencies and the school system in order to transform the world to make disciples of Jesus Christ. She is the guardian for her niece Georgette, 18 and mother to Eva, 10.

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